High quality flood protection
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High quality flood protection
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Flooding. Now what?

Not all areas are so well protected from high tides and flooding. Dunes, dams and dikes hold back the water. The risk of flooding and extreme rainfall is increasing due to climate change. Do you already know how to deal with flooding?

There are several steps you can take now to prepare for floods or heavy rains.

Do you know the risks and whether you can obtain receive government alerts in emergency situations?

Step 1

Make sure you know by heart the telephone numbers of your family doctor and your emergency contact person. Record all the important details of your closest relatives, such as addresses and phone numbers, in a single document. Store this document with your passport and other important papers.

Step 2

It is important to always have enough food and drinking water at home in the event that a flood prevents you from leaving your home. Keep a small emergency kit ready in case the power supply goes out: it should include things such as a flashlight and/or tea lights

An alarm is issued. What now?

If there are problems in your area and an alert is issued, you should take the following steps:

  • Ensure that you stay informed by turning on the news channel and or monitoring your phone. You will hear if you can stay home or have to leave.
  • If necessary, bring yourself and others to safety
  • Should you need to evacuate, do so in time. Should you stay home, go (with your emergency kit) to the highest level in your home where you can still get out via a skylight and ladder should that prove necessary. If you know someone who is less able to manage alone, see if they need your help.
  • During a flood, gas, electricity and water often fail. Make sure you have a fully-charged phone in the house - it can come in handy if the power goes out.

To protect your home from flooding, you should take the following steps:

  • Shut off gas, water and electricity before water flows in.
  • Place the floodmanager to hold back the water and seal gaps at windows and doors as much as possible.
  • Seal sinks and drains using, for example, a tea towel or a pillowcase filled with sand.



Flooding Manager

Ekkersrijt 7418
5692 HK Son
The Netherlands View on Google Maps


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